Are you planning ahead for your future?

You can never be too late nor too early…to start Retirement planning.

You could need income and cash when you retire. How much and when are great questions to answer.

A lottery win could solve the financial requirements but what will you do with your time? What would you need each month, will you pay tax and can this be reduced?

What if you don’t win the lottery how best can you provide for this need…

Understanding these questions and looking at how they can be answered, is how we can help.


Not all retirement plans involve a Pension

Do you have cash on deposit, ISA accounts perhaps a rental property – all of these have different rules and options.

Which options are best for you?




The government lets you know when your when state pension is available. 

But how does that fit in to your plans? When would you like to retire? When can you afford to?

How much

How much

Making contributions to your Pension is important. But do you know how much you can add to the pot in the most tax efficient way? 

Is your employer able to contribute. If so – do you know how much?

Where does it come from?

Where does it come from?

Knowing where your

funds are held is vital. You might have pensions dating back to when you first started working.

They could be working harder for you or – holding more than you thought. Remember clarity is key.

Can I make any changes?

Can I make any changes?

Retirement planning needs to be reviewed on a regular basis. Life isn’t always straight forward and with ups and downs it is so important that your plans consistently reflects these changes.

The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested. HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.


Mike’s knowledge of finance and wealth management is incredible – and what’s more, he’s the kindest, most caring guy you could ever meet.

Sophie P


From the outset, my wife and I felt very comfortable that our requirements were being understood and actioned. The information and detail were expertly explained and we both feel at ease with our financial affairs going forward. This is due to Michael and his team. Thank you!

Roger T


Mike explains very clearly what is going on and is happy to explain again if I don’t understand something­­­.

Chris M

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